MedGasScan - a new on-site inspection service offered by BeaconMedaes
15 February 2023MedGasScan is a new on-site inspection service offered by BeaconMedaes, the medical gas pipeline specialists. Our qualified team can undertake a full inspection of your medical gas pipeline system, to identify and measure gas leaks on the pipeline itself, or the associated equipment.
To identify gas, it’s necessary to use specific tools. Our camera is designed to detect ultrasonic signals produced by the loss of gases such as oxygen, nitrous oxide, entonox or medical air, which are typically not audible by the human ear. Leakages can be often be found on components joints within source equipment such as manifold control systems and air plant or control valves which can be “blanked” off and hidden in ceiling voids. As well as worn out terminal units, hoses and flow meters connected to the patient equipment. The camera works at distance or through protective windows on products such as area valve service units (AVSU’s).