Greenbarnes Ltd

At Greenbarnes Ltd, we specialise in supplying high quality notice boards, street and church furniture, honours boards and cabinet making to a broad spectrum of sectors.

Our hardwood notice boards are perfect for rural villages for example where a traditional appearance is of aesthetic importance.

  1. 2-bay, 6 x A4 Man-made Timber noticeboard, unglazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4 Man-made Timber noticeboard, unglazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4, external, Man-made Timber noticeboard, portrait format, unglazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 1204mm wide x 1057mm high (without header). Display dimensions 522mm wide x 891mm high per bay. Display capacity 6 x A4 sheets in portrait orientation per bay.

    Offering all the same permutations of pinboards, sign panels, map panels and interpretation panels as its landscape equivalent (PD6A4U), this board provides all the same possibilities but in a taller, narrower format (2 x A4 sheets wide x 3 high per bay rather than 2h  x 3w) making it ideal for locations where restricted width is a consideration. It also comes with the same maintenance-free virtues that set our MmT range apart from the competition.

    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd
  2. 2-bay, 6 x A4 Man-made Timber noticeboard, unglazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4 Man-made Timber noticeboard, unglazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4, external, Man-made Timber noticeboard, landscape format, unglazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 1624mm wide x 760mm high (without header). Display dimensions 732mm wide x 594mm high per bay. Display capacity 6 x A4 sheets in portrait orientation per bay.

    Taking this board as a starting point and choosing from the range of possible treatments that are available, you might produce a 2-bay open noticeboard, an unglazed pinboard/map panel combination, a noticeboard-cum-sign, or an interpretation panel with open pinboard attached.  These are just some of the possible end results.  Other possibilities include adding posts, a header and lettering. Click the “Buy” button to explore further and you will see that your imagination is the primary limitation!


    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd
  3. 2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard

    2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard

    2-bay, 6 x A4, external, lockable, oak notice board, landscape format, glazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 1550mm wide x 767mm high (without header). Display dimensions 630mm wide x 594mm high per bay. Display capacity 6 x A4 sheets in portrait orientation per bay.

    The D6A4/O is a rising star in the world of community noticeboards! Once, parish councils could comfortably house all their notices in a smaller board, now, due to the increasing amount of statutory information which they are obliged to display, larger boards such as this are becoming the norm when replacing life-expired boards.

    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd
  4. 2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard

    2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard

    2-bay, 6 x A4, external, lockable oak notice board, portrait format, glazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 1130mm wide x 1064mm high (without header). Display dimensions 420mm wide x 891mm high per bay. Display capacity 6 x A4 sheets in portrait orientation per bay.

    As for its close relative, the landscape D6A4/O, the popularity of this board has increased recently in line with the need for councils to display an increased volume of statutory information. Displaying 6 x A4 sheets per bay (but 3 high x 2 wide), this one is particularly suited to locations where a limit on the available width is an issue.

    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd
  5. 2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard, 1 bay glazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard, 1 bay glazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4, oak external, lockable notice board, landscape format, 1 bay glazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 1550mm wide x 767mm high (without header). Display dimensions 630mm wide x 594mm high (glazed bay), 696mm wide x 645mm high (unglazed bay). Display capacity 6 x A4 sheets in portrait orientation per bay.

    This board provides the ideal means for councils, residents associations, sports clubs and the like to provide both managed and unmanaged space for notices with a glazed, lockable area offering a choice of pinboard or magnetic display panels and the open bay giving space for public notices. 

    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd
  6. 2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard, 1 bay glazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard, 1 bay glazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4, external, lockable oak notice board, portrait format, 1 bay glazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 1130mm wide x 1064mm high (without header). Display dimensions 420mm wide x 891mm high (glazed bay), 486mm wide x 942mm high (unglazed bay). Display capacity 6 x A4 sheets in portrait orientation per bay.

    This board is ideally suited for use as a medium-sized church noticeboard with space for both permanent information such as service times and contact details displayed on a sign panel in the unglazed bay and frequently changed notices and posters housed in the lockable, glazed bay. Alternatively, it is equally suitable for parish or town council use where there is a need to provide equal amounts of space for both public and council notices.

    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd
  7. 2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard, unglazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard, unglazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4, outdoor oak notice board, portrait format, unglazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 1130mm wide x 1064mm high (without header). Display dimensions 486mm wide x 942mm high per bay. Display capacity 6 x A4 sheets in portrait orientation per bay.

    Offering all the same permutations of pinboards, sign panels, map panels and interpretation panels as its landscape equivalent (D6A4U/O), this board provides all the same possibilities but in a portrait format (2 x A4 sheets wide x 3 high per bay rather than 2h  x 3w) making it ideal for locations where restricted width is a consideration.

    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd
  8. 2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard, unglazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4 oak noticeboard, unglazed

    2-bay, 6 x A4, external oak notice board, landscape format, unglazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 1550mm wide x 767mm high (without header). Display dimensions 696mm wide x 645mm high per bay. Display capacity 6 x A4 sheets in portrait orientation per bay.

    2-bay open noticeboard, noticeboard/map panel, noticeboard/sign, noticeboard/interpretation panel – these are some of the end results that you can produce when you take this board as a starting point and choose from the range of possible treatments that are available. Add to this posts, a choice of headers, lettering and finishes and you will begin to appreciate that your imagination is the primary limitation!

    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd
  9. 2-bay, 8 x A4 Man-made Timber noticeboard

    2-bay, 8 x A4 Man-made Timber noticeboard

    2-bay, 8 x A4, exterior, lockable, Man-made Timber notice board, landscape format, glazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 2042mm wide x 760mm high. Display dimensions 840mm wide x 594mm high per bay. Display capacity 8 x A4 sheets in portrait format per bay.

    This board makes an ideal 2-bay board to be shared, for example, by 2 separate organisations, with each bay being entirely independent and capable of being locked by a different key. Alternatively, as with all our multi-bay, glazed, MmT boards, using the options available, one bay can be made lockable whilst the other is fitted with a latch to give key-free public access. To explore the possibilities further, click the “Buy” button and build your own version.

    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd
  10. 2-bay, 8 x A4 Man-made Timber noticeboard, 1 bay glazed

    2-bay, 8 x A4 Man-made Timber noticeboard, 1 bay glazed

    2-bay, 8 x A4, external Man-made Timber noticeboard, landscape format, 1 bay glazed. Can be wall, post or railing-mounted. Overall dimensions 2042mm wide x 760mm high (without header). Display dimensions 840mm wide x 594mm high (glazed bay), 941mm wide x 594mm high (unglazed bay). Display capacity 8 x A4 sheets in portrait orientation per bay.


    Supplied by Greenbarnes Ltd