PPE awarded Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance
1 February 2024Precision Polymer Engineering (PPE) has been awarded the Cyber Essentials Certificate of Assurance, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to data security and business continuity.
Gary Bowdler, Commercial Manager at PPE, said: “This Certificate of Assurance is of critical importance for many of our customers and partners, particularly those suppling into the Defence sector where compliance is becoming a pre-requisite to doing business.”
Cyber Essentials is a UK Government scheme which aims to safeguard businesses and organisations against the impact of cyber attack. The Cyber Essentials certification evidences a level of protection against the most frequent cyber attacks. It demonstrates that PPE is taking the appropriate steps to identify potential vulnerabilities across our IT systems, and is continuing to ensure that defences are put in place to protect those systems and the data contained within them.
Among the 39 per cent of businesses reporting a cyber attack in the last 12 months, over one in five reported a loss of data or other assets¹. It is PPE’s duty as a business to do everything in our power to minimise this risk for all our customers, but for those customers with particularly sensitive applications, it is vitally important that PPE can give the assurance that their data is safe.