AC Global Ltd
FLEXIFAST CAPILLARY - Available in sizes 2 and 4mm, three colours (black, blue or red - to safely differentiate between the high and low side of systems) and with the world's widest range of premium quality fittings it's no wonder that FLEXIFAST CAPILLARY is the WORLD'S GREATST CAPILLARY HOSE system and fast becoming the industries favourite and benchmark.
*** NEW LAUNCH *** FLEXIFAST CAPILLARY AMMONIA COLLECTION - with our new range of stainless fittings we are glad to confirm that FLEXIFAST CAPILLARY is fully compatible with ammonia and we believe that we are the first in the world to provide an ammonia compliant flexible capillary hose system
As we are constantly developing this incredible product, we are very pleased to work with clients to develop bespoke applications for their individual needs - we have THE SOLUTION.
White Rapids
Trenance Road
St Austell
PL25 5AN
United Kingdom
Melvin Glazebrook, Director
Melvin Glazebrook, Director